Thursday, November 6, 2014

MaMagicka -- The Races

Since we got the countries down in the last entry, I figure this time we might want to go over the races in particular. They're all quite different and you can clearly see where some of them interconnect/branch off from each other. Just remember that if it's got a good bust, it's a magic class, and if it doesn't, it's a combat class.

The most human-like of all races on Fortitude. Ruagaardi people tend to specialize in heavy weaponry, such as swords, axes and lances. The men are known as tough-skinned and strong, whereas the women are every bit as dangerous though they can't wield the larger swords and axes too well. The females also usually have the smallest busts across the land, despite being the most similar to the magical races.

A humanoid race who have strange ears and fair hair, they resemble elves the most. Their eyesight is inhumanely good and they're nimble, quick and precise as well as in-touch with nature, but they're quite fragile in combat and don't do well toe-to-toe. The Gaehedahn people have very high libidos and are almost always in heat, leading to much frenzy and a booming populace. The females with their A-cup breasts are especially prone to this eternal heat, often traveling the world to find work as a prostitute in another country.
Male Gaehedahn are extremely rare. It's estimated that for every 200 female Gaehedahn, 1 male will be born. They're so rare that they are considered protected by Gaehedahn national law, and kept off limits from advancing females. They gain a rank in society similar to a noble just because of their gender. They can call  for whatever they desire, and choose girls to please them, but no female can mate with a male without consent.

The Ichtan are tough skinned, cunning and fast, usually tan due to the blazing sun in Ichtan. While most races have traits that the females and males share, the Ichtan are quite separate on what qualities they have.
The females remain childlike, looking like 'lolis' throughout their lives. Even the most elderly look like teenagers. They are the quickest and arguably the most dangerous of the Ichtan, as they have a habit of tricking victims into a false sense of security with their looks.
The males, on the other hand, look grown; however, they're quite effeminate. Most could even pass for girls, a trick the males use to get close to victims. An actually muscular Ichtan male is very rare, even rarer than a male Gaehedahn.

A race of bust witches and well-endowed sorcerers who specialize in many different areas of magic. They are generally the original race of magicians and technically the only race, however, due to the Jinhei people settling in the east, the race has evolved and branched out, changing slightly. Arguably has the largest average of breast size in all the land.
Jinhei people can learn most any magic, besides the ones prohibited by law. They are versatile and witty, joyful, and especially enjoy their brew. A lewd race. The women outnumber the men, but the numbers aren't as drastic as in Gaehedahn. Most men don't even show themselves on the streets, preferring to stay locked away in their studies. They often die virgins because of this.

Well-endowed people who originated from deported Jinhei people who practiced unlawful magicks. The Umenatii specialize in Mortem Magic, which is a vein of black magic that dabbles in the matters of life and death. Due to their affinity with Mortem Magic, most Umenatii people are Necromancers, some even resorting to lichdom.
Umenatii women tend to be dangerously beautiful and alluring, whereas the men tend to be underground and skeletal.

Heralding from the pioneer days when groups of Jinhei scientists settled in the far East, the Melesks are magic-makers who use their magical abilities to cure and heal. They're mostly all pacifists who always lend a helping hand, but since they did originate from Jinhei, they're capable of dangerous magic.
Most Melesk people are doctors or scientists, and even engineers. The females have significantly smaller breasts than the Jinhei or Umenatii, but they're still rather large. The men are some of the most normal in the land, usually serious and deadpan. The people of Melesia are all intelligent and have decent strength.

The Demoraoh are a group of gloomy people who live on the island Demoraoh. They're usually xenophobic and a bit racist, and try to cut off access with the other  countries unless they can't help it. Demoraoh people have purple-ish skin and horns, and they have a strong faith in demons, using their powers to call upon dark forbidden magics.
The Demoraoh people are also the most inconsistent in sizes -- females can be almost Jinhei-sized, or they can have as much cup as an Ichtan girl. Not much is known about the Demoraoh as they're mysterious and elusive.

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