Wednesday, November 5, 2014

MaMagicka -- The Seven Lands of Fortitude

Today I want to introduce a bit of the setting for 'MaMagicka'. The world of Fortitude is quite extensive, and I plan for it to be fun to explore, as MaMagicka is meant to be a break away from the regular hentai RPG game in a number of ways.

The driving plot behind the game is that there are seven countries/lands in the world of Fortitude. They live relatively peacefully, until one of the countries revolts and causes a sort of world war. With this comes the task of securing the ancient artifacts of Fortitude; gifts bestowed on each land by the goddess that, when together, bring about the power needed to save a world or destroy it. A cliche and boring plot, but that sort of plot isn't too important in a porn game, anyway.

As mentioned, there are seven lands across Fortitude, arranged in a similar fashion to our own, each unique and with it's own history.

The imperial country. The people of Ruagaard are known as the "Ruagaardi" (ru-ah-gar-di). It's your stereotypical RPG 'kingdom', complete with a castle, many villages and dungeons, etc. Advanced in sciences and warfare, it's army is it's greatest pride. The army is mostly comprised of the 'Guardians', the name for the knights who protect Ruagaard. This army is split into many divisions who are tasked with different duties, such as guarding important towns, patrolling the country side, responding to criminals and even assisting in the Castle. Various Guardian outposts are spread across the land, housing groups of Guardians ready to dispatch at any moment.
Ruagaard is covered in mostly modern settlements, with fair weather and green grass, ideal for farmers and countrymen. Almost all cities and towns are connected by the Imperial Highway, a set of roads and trails that connect, patrolled by the Guards of the Pass, an elite division of Guardians whose primary job is to keep the highway safe from bandits and monsters to ensure safe travel.
Ruagaard houses Fort Launda, which is the biggest city/kingdom in the entirety of Fortitude. It is home to the royal family of Ruagaard, and the Castle Launda; an ancient castle from the days of old that is still used today. The Guardians headquarters is situated in Fort Launda. The headquarters is the largest Guardian outpost in the land, tasked with training new recruits and protecting Fort Launda, as well as being the hive for the Inquisitor of the Guardians.There's also the National Librarium, the world's oldest library, in the fort, as well as many attractions for archeologists and tourists alike. 


A country that is 80% forest and located south of Ruagaard, it is home to an elven-like race with an advanced sexual drive and declining male population. The people of Gaeheda are known to be nible, quick and slightly primitive, their buildings made mostly out of wood. They are also very in-tune with nature; many of the world's only Druids are Gaehedan people for this reason.
A very green and flourishing place full of life. The capital is Ilke, a hill-side settlement hidden deep in the trees. The country's chieftain lives here, as does most of the male populace. Males are rare in Gaeheda, and with the advance libido of Gaehedan females, they are often preyed on and need the protection of the capital against rape and kidnapping. They are treated like nobles, and are allowed many more rights and privileges than their female counterparts, such as exclusive laws and the allowance to have harems and land as they choose. The chieftain is given much of these rights and lives luxuriously. It is considered an honor to be sought out by a male Gaehedan, and even more of an honor to be summoned by the Chieftain himself.

A sandy desert-like country where there is no government or monarchy. Many people who live here are either extraordinarily wealthy and own estates, or live their lives in poverty. Many of the poor live in the main city, Nijite City, a bustling city of merchants and business. Here, a gang mostly runs the city on it's own, led by a rogue named Lady Alice. Because the city is ruled by rogues, many up-and-coming criminals make Nijite their home as there is no punishment for many crimes in Nijite, unless commited against Lady Alice's gang.
Nijite City is situated next to the Lao Ocean, a vast ocean that separates the three landmasses of Gaeheda-Ruuagard, Demoraoh Island, and Ichtan-Jinhei-Melesia. The port in Nijite means that much commerce and travelers pass through the city, however, this invites even more criminal activity. As there is no law in Nijite, it is dangerous to dock by the city lest you get mugged, kidnapped or murdered. Only those who can hold their own ever dock in Nijite.
 Some places away from Nijite, however, are strangers to this brutal lawlessness, and lead cushy lives in the comfort of their own wealth. Many villas, manors, mansions and even a few mini-castles can be found in Ichtan, their owners rich and powerful,  often long-running families who have lived in Ichtan since the dawn of time and have enforced the laws on their own estates as they pleased.

A large country often called the "Birthplace of Magick." This country is located north of Ichtan, with only the large Sophor Canal separating the continents. Jinhei is large and busy, the biggest land in all of Fortitude. The people of Jinhei tend to also be the 'biggest' in all of Jinhei, as well. Many towers, mansions and lairs are littered abot the land, which isn't a complete desert like Ichtan -- it gets green and lively the further north and west you go. However, the land to the south and east is relatively barren.
Jinhei has an oriental feel to it all over, and it can be reflected in it's architecture and the culture across the land. The highlight of Jinhei is the capital city, known as "Jinhei City", the original settlement of Jinhei. Jinhei City houses the College of Ethereal Studies, a university for students who with to take advanced magic classes; a large shopping alley for both common and magical items; many, many houses and mini towers for the wealthiest of Jinhei people; historical sites, including the "Shining Tree of Amal", a tree that was said to bear fruit to bring a person back to life, and the parliament building, the Red House of Jinei.
Towards the west of Jinhei is a smaller town known as the most scenic area in Jinhei -- Cape Yana. It is also the official port town for Jinhei, however, only smaller ships are allowed in the harbor. Larger ships and merchant ships are prohibited from docking in Cape Yana by law, and must go up north to the small city of Lon'wey to dock.

In an area between Jinhei and Melesia, there is a strip of land that was never officially claimed by either country. When Jinhei expelled criminals and sinners from their country many years ago, many of the expelled would flee to this ungoverned strip of land. It was said that many colonies of convicts and sinners lived here, many who wanted to escape Jinhei's oppressive "Red House" and those who wanted to live without laws. Many of the settlers practiced dark arts and black magic, which were outlawed in Jinhei. Soon, the colonies turned into primarily dark magicians and necromancers. The Umena Colonies later gained sovereignity under their impressive numbers. 
Though scatterd across the barren land, the Umenatii are known as powerful and fearsome mages, most of which have a mean streak to them and wish for malice. Though many colonies can be seen still above ground, many of the true colonies have since moved underground into caves and lairs to further practice their arts. Some have even turned to lichdom. Various towers can be seen across the land in the distance, since the land itself is so flat and bare. The largest tower, the Tower of Liene, can even be seen from the eastern towns of Jinhei.

A smaller country that sits far east of Jinhei, they were once Jinhei people who settled to the east of the larger, ever-expanding country, content to live life their way. They claimed independence and broke off from Jinhei's rule, and since then have excelled in their medical magics and sciences.
Melesia, strangely enough, looks very similar to Ruagaard, but with more of a modern touch; it's technologically advanced, moreso than any other country, and quite crowded and busy.  The capital of Melesia is Paradise. Paradise houses the Angel's Arm Hospital, the world's largest and most advanced medical facility. Many people come from all corners of the world to get treatment at the AAH, as many of the world's best doctors also work there.
Medical school and clinics, as well as science facilities and labs are spread across Melesia, in smaller rural towns and communities. The country relies on a democracy system, which has served Melesia exceptionally well. Though small, they're intelligent and advanced, and are said to be a threat should they ever oppose another nation based on their intellect alone. Luckily, Melesia is known to be the most peaceful of all the lands, and in conflicts will often adopt a neutral stance. 

Settled on an island out in the Dark Sea, Demoraoh is less of a country and more of a sovereignty comprised of people who use magic quite similar to that of the Umenatii people. However, the Demoraoh rely less on magic and more on faith, and dabble in demon worship. Many call their type barbaric and immoral, and because of the mysterious, inclusive nature of the Demoraoh, many outsiders are prejudiced against them and live in fear and hatred of the Demoraoh. The Demoraoh are generally xenophobic themselves, and not all that open to other races, often shutting themselves off from the rest of the world.
Demoraoh doesn't have many established cities or towns. There's two large-scale communities in Demoraoh; the town of Villore, and the castle town, Drosgath. Villnore is a farming community located on the shore of Northern Demoraoh, and is openly the most accepting of outsiders, allowing trade vessels to dock in their village in exchange for foreign goods. Drosgath, however, sits in the middle of the island, housing Castle Drosgath. Here, the Lord Aethmatab, king of the Demoraoh, rules from a menacing throne. The king is said to be mysterious and cruel. 
The island itself is very gloomy, and seems to be covered in a perpetual dusk, the skies always a slight tinge of red.


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