Thursday, November 6, 2014

MaMagicka -- The Three Combat Heroines

Today I'll be introducing the three combat heroines of MaMagicka. Also known as the three with the smallest chests. Below the cut:

Toma Waarden, age 20. Class: Knight.
A Ruagaardi woman who greatly envies the magical races for their breasts. Chaste and noble, she is a soldier in the Gladesword Order branch of the Guardians, along with her two childhood friends, Gawain and Alexander. She's overly sensitive about her bust size and feminity, caught between wanting to be looked at like a woman but also wanting the strength of a man. Her friends will jokingly call her 'Tom' in reference to her boyish looks, and many people will confuse her for a male. Toma believes in the will of the Goddess as well as her king, and vehemently avoids anything lewd.
The side quests for Toma so far are a planned two, involving said childhood friends.

Eliza Gillahorne, age 19. Class: Bowmaster.
A young Gaehedahn girl, the youngest of all the heroines. She's mostly a gentle, calm and humble person, but being Gaehedahn, her libido is quite high and she drives herself insane to mask her urges. She secretly longs to be in the favor of Gaeheda's current Chieftan, Venir, but believes herself to be too inadequate and impure to ever be chosen as one of his concubines. Eliza tends to see the lewd in anything.
Sidequests planned so far for Eliza: 1 concerning the plight for Venir.
Fritz Von Strogae, age 23. Class: Thief
A woman from Ichtan who seems to look about 12. Like most Ichtan women, she doesn't mind too much since it lures foes into a false sense of security. Fritz is mature and sly despite her appearance, and has a sharp tongue with an appetite for curse words. Naturally the most no-nonsense of the group, the second least lewd of all six heroines, only after Toma.
Fritz has an older brother who constantly stalks her in the hopes that she'll marry him. Naturally, Fritz isn't about that incest life and believes she has better things to do than make inbred babies.
Quest planned out so far involves dealing with said brother however you choose.

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